Mossel Bay Harbour Coastal Waters Discharge Permits
Niewehoop BESS
Norms & Standards for the Treatment of Organic Waste
Onderstepoort Solar Grid Connection Infrastructure
Orbaai Village
Outeniquasig Estate
Pacaltsdorp West Bulk Water Supply
Parkdene Filling Station
Patrys Development (Erf 3927 Still Bay West)
Pinnacle Point Boutique Hotel
Plett Lagoon Estate
Postmasburg Solar PV Energy Facility 2
Quantum Foods 24G
RE/2833 Great Brak River
Remainder Farm 372 Honingfontein
Residential Development on RE/2841 and Erf 5574
Rheebok Bricks VSBK
Rietfontein Dam
Roan PV Projects
Rooifontein Solar PV & Grid Connection
Shrubland PV
South Cape Poles AEL Renewal
Sparta Foods
Stilbaai Lifestyle Village
Still Bay Arterial Road
Sunveld Electrical Grid Infrastructure
Sunveld Energy
Sunveld Solar PV and BESS
Swan Lake Eco Estate
Techno Asphalt